Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sept 3rd Club Night

Wednesday was our first night back at club. We hope all of you kids had a great time and are ready for another year of fun and learning.

Each child should have received a yellow manila envelope. This packet contains information about Awana and several forms that need to be filled out and returned as soon as possible. All bus riders will have to have a medical release form filled out and signed by a parent or guardian, otherwise they will not be allowed to ride on the bus.

Clubbers don't forget that when you bring back these forms, filled out, you will receive 500 bonus points for your team. Parents if you have any questions feel free to ask an Awana leader, director, secretary or the commander, or you can email at .

There will not be a theme for next week, but be sure to check back here for any updates and any upcoming events. We hope you have a blessed week and don't forget to start studying those verses.

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